V, Bug Fixes

Hey everyone!

I’m back again with yet another small update for My Siren Crush Remix. This update includes a bunch of fixes for Lexi Special Episode 3 that I noticed whilst replaying her route and contains some adjustments to the UI in the web version of the game.


  • Made some adjustments to the position of Lexi’s character sprite in the bathroom scene in Special, Episode 3.
  • Made some adjustments to MC’s character sprite position when she is swimming to Lexi’s UV in Special, Episode 3.
  • Added a dissolve transition between the ocean scene and the UV scene in Special, Episode 3.
  • Fixed a typo during the UV scene in Special, Episode 3 where Lexi is welcoming MC to her home.

Web Edition

  • Made some adjustments to the Game Menu UI in the web version of MSCR so it does not overlap with the rest of the UI.



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