A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android

Welcome to Love and Legends Remix! This is a Lovestruck fan project that is aiming to recreate multiple routes from the Love & Legends series from start to finish with a few improvements and additions!

For a list of known issues, click here.

Make sure to join the Lovestruck Remix Discord server or Tumblr blog to stay up to date with the game's development and report any issues you have!

The game is available to download on PC, Mac and Android!

Also, it's free! I'm not going to put a price tag on this remake.

Route Progress


  • Season 1 - Fully Released!
  • Season 2 - 3 out of 12 Episodes Released!
  • Seasons 3 to 5 - Not Released


  • Season 1 to 7 - Fully Released!
  • Season 8 - 3 out of 12 Episodes Released!
  • Seasons 9 - Not Released


  • Season 1 - 2 out of 12 Episodes Released!
  • Seasons 2 to 9 - Not Released


  • Seasons 1 to 9 - Fully Released!


  • Season 1 and 2 - Fully Released!
  • Season 3 - 9 out of 12 Episodes Released!
  • Seasons 4 to 9 - Not Released


This is a free, fan-made recreation based off the defunct Lovestruck app by Voltage Entertainment USA. I do not claim ownership over the Lovestruck IP or most of the assets in this remake.

Play Villainous Nights now!


Love & Legends Remix - Windows 531 MB
Version 4.2 6 days ago
Love & Legends Remix - Mac 539 MB
Version 4.2 6 days ago
Love & Legends Remix - Android 552 MB

Install instructions

Automatic Install via Itch app (Recomended)

  1. Download the Itch app. https://itch.io/app
  2. Copy and paste the project URL (https://lsremix.itch.io/love-and-legends) into the Itch app. Or add the game to your collection from the project page using your itch account to access it in the itch app.
  3. Install the game!

Note: All game updates will be downloaded and installed automatically via the Itch app. If you don't recieve any updates, right click on the game icon in the Itch app and click "Check for Updates".

Manual Install

  1. Download and install WinRAR or 7zip.
  2. Download the zip file from the project page on itch.io.
  3. Extract the folder inside of the zip file to your desktop.
  4. Open the game folder and double click on the .exe file.

Android Install/Update

  1. Download the Android .apk file from the itch.io page.
  2. Once the file is downloaded, tap open when you recieve a prompt in your web browser.
  3. Tap yes or install and wait for the app to be installed/updated on your device.
  4. Tap on the app icon when it shows up on your home screen (or app tray) to play!

Note: All of your saves transfers over when you update the app on Android.

Development log

View all posts


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Thank you for all of your hard work, I absolutely loved the app and the work you're doing. 

Is there a way to remove stories? As a female only romancer I won't be reading reiner or any of the male routes. 

Or maybe a feature that can be added later? Not a big deal as they  can just sit there but I know I won't be reading. 

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There's no way to remove certain routes currently but I might look into this in the near future. 

If I do implement something like this however, it's only going to be a simple solution like adding a toggle in the settings menu that removes route icons in the main menu for example.


That would be perfect and more than I expected.

Love the all the effort you are putting into this and I'm fine either way it's just for me the male routes will never be read/played.

Please gimme more Reiner.... I love his route so much!!!

(2 edits) (+2)

Peace has been restored in my life after finding out that I can replay Helena’s route 😌

ETA: I just finished re-reading Helena's route. I didn't think I'd ever have the opportunity to do so again, and it was a pleasant surprise to experience it all over again and realize I've forgotten a lot of tiny details that I appreciate way more now that I'm older. That being said, being able to do so feels like a massive privilege. So, thank you for your work making this!

(PS By any chance, do you have the files for the music of the game? Is it something that I can extract from the game files?)

I have a question if you intend to translate it into other languages because I'm from Brazil, although I can read, I would love to see it in Portuguese and Spanish, because I know Spanish and I'm learning English, I'm even using Google to write words that I have difficulty understanding or when I find that my sentence or comment may be wrong if I write it without some support

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I do have plans to translate the entire game into other languages. In fact, I have a couple of volunteers that is working on multi-language support for L&L Remix right now!

The only issue that I have is that not many people at the moment are volunteering to translate the game in other languages, so unless more people are willing to translate the entire game, it will be a very long while before I start supporting languages like Spanish and Portuguese.


I finished Helena's route and I miss her already 🥲

I still miss her

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I am so happy to have found your project being a big fan of the work done by the lovestruck team , i realy love the story starship promise with nora and zhora, good luck in your work and thank you
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 i was wondering when you will be finishing alteas route and if you are going to do iseul route and if you are going to do his route when and his is the only one you can have a child with and she is so cute!!!


At the moment, I have no idea when I'm going to finish development on Altea's route, mostly because I'm currently working on a 4.0 update for L&L and working on Villainous Nights at the same time.

As for Iseul's route, I'll consider it, but no promises.

Hi! I was wondering if you had plans for making other routes of Love and Legends? Like August or Iseul? I was also wondering if you plan to finish Reiner’s and Altea’s routes?

I do have plans to remake other routes in L&L, yes! I also have plans to finish Altea and Reiner.

Hi, huge fan of your work. I was curious, are there any future plans for Mackenzie from Havenfall Is For Lovers?

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I'm thinking of working on Mackenzie's route and the other Havenfall routes, yes. However this depends on how far a certain Lovestruck archive group gets with their version of Havenfall. I hope this makes sense.


Hello, I love your work! I am a big fan of Lovestruck stories (especially the GL ones). Helena was one of my favorite stories  :).

I started a while ago with the same idea but on a phone/tablet application. I don't know if I can post my question here (if the comment bothers, don't hesitate to delete it). How do you do for the backgrounds? I use the videos that I recorded (they are on my private YouTube account), but the textbox is too opaque and when I take a screenshot the black bar is visible on the image and it ruins the whole bottom of the image. How do you do to not have the black bar on your backgrounds?

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The backgrounds for my remake are actually real game assets from the Lovestruck app that I found searching the internet, which is then upscaled to 1080p using an AI image upscaling program.

I'd love to share exactly where I found these assets but I can't for obvious reasons.


Ah I understand better. Thank you for your answer.  :)

If you managed to find a link on the internet for the background it must be findable, I will try to do a more extensive search. :)


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS. When the original game shut down l thought I would never have the chance to play Helena route ever but now l can. 🫶🫶🫶


You're very welcome! 😊

Idk if its just my device but I can't open the app like it shows the loading screen but then kicks me out😭😭

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I just tested out the Android version and you're right. I'll look into this

I've just uploaded a new Android build. Let me know if it works!


It works now :D

Happy to hear it! :)


First of all… thank you so so much for the possibility to experience Helena‘s story once again.❤️ 

I’m sorry but I just have to ask, are there any plans to remake Xenia from Reigning Passions?


Yes! I'm planning on remaking Xenia at some point since she's one of my favourites


That‘s just incredible! I‘m looking forward to it already. Thank you again for everything you‘ve remade so far.😊🙏


literally thank you so much. i miss lovestruck DEARLY, i'm so happy to see this, you have no idea (altea & helena my loves). can i ask if you ever plan to remake gangsters in love?


Yes! Gangsters in Love is on my list of remakes that I would love to work on. Although it will be a while before it happens


you are an honest godsend, thank you soooo much for preserving these games ♥️♥️♥️

is vivienne on the far future, mayhaps?


Vivienne is definitely on my list of routes that I would love to work on!However it's going to be a long while before I work on her route since I already decided on my next remake.

Do you have any plans for the starship promise routes especially Antares 💜


I do have plans to remake Starship Promise, yes. However it's probably not going to happen for a good long while because I've already decided on my next remake after Love & Legends.

Speaking of Starship Promise, I'd like to know if you'll include Nova in it?


Yes! Nova will be included.


I don't have words to thanks this incredible and amazing effort, you are a beacon for a lot of people that wants to preserve this incredible stories. 

Please continue and if you have the time and the will please could you make Juliette route remix.


Thank you! As for remaking Juliette's route, this is something that I'm considering doing after I finish Altea's route since her route is one of my favourites!

Speaking of finishing routes...when could you finish Helena and her story?

Hopefully by next week, If everything goes according to plan.

That's awesome news! Oh, and by the way, you gave us renewed hope with what you are doing right now. When Lovestruck got shut down (which was unfair btw), I never thought I'd really get to play any route ever again, but here we are now!


This has to be my favourite Juliette moment. That's how I knew I've fallen in love

Will you be so kind and ever remake Villainous Nights routes next? Or at least tell me, that's on your list?! It features my favourite route ever.

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Villainous Nights is definitely on my list of Lovestruck remakes that I want to work on! As of if I'm going to work on it next after Love & Legends, I haven't fully decided yet, but i'm considering it.


Thanks you so much, that you'll at least consider putting VN out there! You are doing absolute miracle already! There are so many routes I'd like to play once again, but Juliette's the one I'd like to see the most for obvious reasons. If you'd ever done that route, I'd love you forever 🥰.

p.s I am so impressed with your L&L remix , that I'm waiting for remaining episodes of Helena


What you're doing with this is not just remarkable, but also what everyone needed. And I so appreciate you for even trying with this game! Thanks to you, I'll finally be able to finish something I never got to do - finish Helena's route.


Omg some of the male routes 💜 💜 💜

Are we gonna see more Altea soon she was my favorite 😊

Yes! However I'm not going to continue development on her route until after Helena's route is finished.


Thank you *so* much for your work on this. It's heart-healing.


I am amazed at how well you've recreated the game! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this. Helena has always been my favourite.


tysm for the fast updates ❤️ you're saving us helena fans 


You are making god's work, thank you 😭I was missing my wife so much.


amazing remake! so happy playing her route again 😭


Thank you so much for this! I loved Helena's route so much, it's a blast revisiting it!