Known Issues

Here is a list of issues that you must be aware of when playing Love & Legends Remix. (This list will change as the game continues development.)

Last Update: 29th August 2024


  • Some of the visual effects in this remake will be slightly different due to limitations with Ren'Py. I tried my best but there's nothing I can do about it.
  • You may notice that the Gallery does not contain all of the CGs for Altea's/Reiner's route or any other route from L&L. I'm planning on adding to the Gallery gradually in future updates as I update each route.
  • Most of the sound effects in this remake is missing becuase I don't have all of the sound effects in my Lovestruck archive. This will be resolved in the near future.

Helena's Route

All Seasons

  • Some of the choices in Helena's route is missing. Unless people are willing to share their recordings of Helena's route with me to help me fill in all of the alt choices, there's nothing I can do about it. As a result of this, you may come across choices with 2 options or (Very Rarely) a choice will be "Auto Selected" meaning you won't see a choice menu at all.

Season 7 and 8

  • In Season 7, Episode 8 and Season 8, Episode 4, a certain fire visual effect seen in both episodes is missing. This is because I do not have the VFX assets that I need in my Lovestruck game archives to recreate the same effect in a acceptable way. This will be resolved in the near future.

Altea's Route

Seasons 1, 3, 5 and (partially) 6-9

  • Some alt choices may play out differently due to a limited pool of recordings I have access to for Altea's route. All alt choices are accounted for in Seasons 1, 3, 5 and parts of Seasons 6-9 however.

Seasons 2, 4 and (partially) 6 - 9

  • Just like with Helena's route, some alt choices are missing so you may come across choice menus with only 2 choices or a choice will be auto selected if I can only find 1. (At first I thought that all of the alt choices was accounted for based on the transcriptions I found for her route, however that is no longer the case with Season 2, 4 and parts of 6-9.)

Reiner's Route

All Seasons

  • Just like with Helena's route, some alt choices are missing so you may come across choice menus with only 2 choices or a choice will be auto selected if I can only find 1. Once again, unless people are willing to share their recordings/transcriptions of Reiner's route to help me resolve this, there's nothing I can do about it.

Get Love & Legends Remix


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Hey, excellent work on this so far! If you need Solaire's wings then here's a recreation that should line up with her sprite. Of course you're not obligated to use them, I just wanted to take a crack at it as thanks for all the work you've put in to this project :)

These wings looks amazing! Thank you so much!