V 2.0.0

Hey Everyone! 

The 2.0 update for Love and Legends Remix is finally here! This update includes a major UI overhaul to make playing the remake easier and faster than before, Helena Season 3, Episodes 3 to 6, the first 4 Episodes of Altea’s route, the L&L prologue and more improvements, adjustments, and fixes.

User Interface


  • The Main Menu for Love & Legends Remix has received a massive overhaul! The main goal for this overhaul is to streamline the process of selecting a Season and Episode of Helena’s and Altea’s route without having to go through a long and tedious game startup procedure.
  • The ugly black blob (with text buttons) that welcomed players since the game’s launch has been replaced with image buttons.
  • When clicking on a character image in the Main Menu, the game will give you a list of Seasons and Episodes for that character alongside a season description.
  • Each character will have their own-coloured UI, blue for Helena and pink for Altea.

Android Specific

  • Made the imagebuttons in the Gallery bigger.

Web Edition Specific

  • Removed the ugly and pointless “Download Game” button from the Main Menu. (Why did I add this at all…)


  • The Love & Legends prologue has been added to the game. Yay!
  • The old game start procedure that’s been in the game since launch, has been removed from the game.
  • If a new player starts playing the game and selects an Episode, they will be asked to enter a name for the Main Character before playing. Current players will not see this dialogue.
  • Players will now be able to change the name of the Main Character mid playthrough! You can do this by clicking on the newly added blue pencil icon in the quick menu. (It’s not perfect though. I’ll continue to refine this later.)

Altea’s Route


  • Altea makes her debut in this update! Season 1, Episodes 1 – 4 has been added to the game. (Note: Just a heads up, I’m going to finish the rest of Season 1 once Helena Season 3 has finished development. After that, I’m going to alternate between the two routes, working on Helena S4 after Altea S1 and so on.)

Helena’s Route


  • Added Season 3, Episodes 3 – 6 to the game!

Season 1 Changes

  • Made a small speed adjustment to Helena’s hug animation in S1, Ep1.
  • Made some small positional adjustments to the Witch Queen generals when they first appear in S1, Ep1.
  • Made a small speed adjustment to Lennox’s animation in S1, Ep1.
  • Made multiple positional adjustments in S1, Ep2.
  • Added an animation in S1, Ep3 where Helena rushes to pin MC on the bed.

Season 3 Changes

  • Made some minor adjustments to character positions for MC and Helena at the start of Season 3, Episode 2.


  • Helena’s CG for Season 3, Episode 3 has been added.
  • Altea’s prologue CG has been added to the gallery. She now has her own section in the gallery.
  • Prologue CGs for all of the retainers has been added to the galley in a new section called “Prologue”. (Note: The prologue CG for Altea has been added to her own dedicated section in the gallery.)
  • The profile pages for Altea has been added to the “Profiles” section in the gallery. (The picture quality is far from perfect though.)


  • Fully implemented blinking animations for Altea’s full body sprites.
  • Added a new set of face sprites for Helena when she uses her darker forms of magic. (More specifically, these set of sprites is used in Helena S1, Ep10 and Altea S1, Ep2.)
  • Made some minor adjustments to the height of multiple sprites.
  • Fixed a bug where Alain’s surprised facial expression did not display at all and instead displayed an error.


  • Replaced the “Season 2 Coming soon!” text at the end of Helena Season 1 with a choice menu. (I forgot to do this when I released Season 2. Sorry…)
  • Added some sound effects to the main menu which some Lovestruck players may recognize.

Thanks for your support!


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