V 3.21

This update for Love & Legends Remix includes Altea Season 5, Episodes 5 and 6 and a lot of minor fixes and improvements.

I also want to give a big shoutout to everyone who's been reporting bugs and typos in the Lovestruck Remix discord! If you find any issues with the game, make sure to report it in my discord server.


Season 5

  • Added Season 5, Episodes 5 and 6 to the game.

Season 1

  • Fixed a typo at the very end of Episode 12.

Season 2

  • Fixed a typo during the heart scene in Episode 12.


Season 5

  • Fixed a bug in Episode 2 where the character sprite for a Witch Queen soldier would stick to the top of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug at the end of Episode 4 where Magnus’ sprite would stick to the top of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug in Episode 12 midway through the heart scene where the MC’s character sprite would stick to the top of the screen.


Season 1

  • Fixed a bug in Episode 2 where after selecting the option "Who were those guys?", Reiner’s sprite would stick to the top of the screen.
  • Fixed a typo in Episode 1 with the line “He looks around the room at his retainers.”
  • Added an additional word to the line “I would not attempt to escape, if I were you” in Episode 2.
  • Fixed a typo in Episode 2 with the line “The room he leads me to is a bedroom, and a nice looking one at that.”
  • Fixed a typo in Episode 2 with the line “despite the fact that the dining hall now looks like a tornado has been through it.”
  • Fixed a typo in Episode 3 with the line “Is my question too difficult?”
  • Fixed a typo after selecting the option “Magnus is cocky” in Episode 4.
  • Fixed a bug where after finishing Episode 6, the game takes you to the main menu instead of Episode 7.
  • Fixed a typo in Episode 6 with the line “One frenzied swing…” by removing a word.
  • Slightly adjusted the line “There is no peace for wickedness. Nor forgiveness or pity” in Episode 6 so that it sounds better.
  • In Episode 6, In the line of dialogue “His free hand grabs Reiner by the back of the head, yanking it back so he's forced to look Magnus right in the either”, the word “either” has been replaced with “face” to make this line of dialogue more understandable.
  • Fixed a typo in Episode 7 with the line “He did the same thing to me…”
  • Added more spacing between the dialogue “behind her-and leaves” in Episode 7.


  • Fixed a typo with the line “But the Witch Queen’s servants take many forms”.


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